Loma Linda has one of the few Level 4 Epilepsy Centers for adult and pediatric patients.

Loma Linda has one of the few Level 4 Epilepsy Centers for adult and pediatric patients.
Adventist university impacts communities in need with free dental initiative.
In the Philippines, event trains more than 400 Adventists working with young people.
Organizers said they hope young people learned how to live life with purpose.
Why should we care about the message to the Laodiceans?
30-day initiative focuses on 30 cities around the world with a strong Muslim presence.
Standing on Holy Ground
“Seventh-day Adventists are animal and nature lovers,” youth leader says.
Andrews University Global Leadership Institute will train ministry executives.
Leaders believe initiative opens scores of new possibilities.
It is an instrument to break down barriers, church leaders say.
Why young members should remain an Adventist priority.
Designed to keep us together
Putting the pieces together
Prudence Pollard and Calvin Rock receive the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
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