Institution collects goods, helps newcomers resettle in their host country.

Institution collects goods, helps newcomers resettle in their host country.
In Norway, church member gives all credit to God.
“This is the time to put mission into action,” school coordinator of the initiative said.
Healthcare organization is actively seeking ways to increase recruiting, leaders said.
Adventist youth from more than 183 countries intentionally make a difference for Christ.
Carlos Dias is also helping a mother and her daughters to get their residency papers.
Evangelistic meetings focused on the English-speaking populations across the region.
Educational leaders praise Mamarapha College’s passion for mission in education.
In the fall of 2019, Brad Fisher and Rob Howell, owners of College Press in Collegedale, Tennessee, United States, had the opportunity to […]
In Brazil, 80-year-old says that copying God’s Word keeps her active and fulfilled.
Douglas Gausi has decided to spend One Year in Mission in a city in need.
An Adventist pastor shares his fight against COVID and thanks God for a second chance.
Is suicide biblically permissible?
The festival will also premiere the first season of Hope Media Europe’s Encounters series.
Facilities are the first full-fledged private option in the north of that Asian nation.
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