God promises He will shake heavens and earth so that only unshakable things remain.

God promises He will shake heavens and earth so that only unshakable things remain.
Doctorate honoris causa acknowledges his decades of significant contributions.
Adventist Church continues to assist thousands of members affected by the August 14 quake.
Whom did God choose to be His mouthpieces? Men and women of all ages.
Ted Wilson: Greetings, friends. From time to time in our weekly video messages, you have heard me talk about the three angels’ messages recorded […]
A multi-pronged approach will improve people’s health and means of subsistence.
Family counsel from the experts
His passing is a big loss to the church, one of his former editorial assistants says.
Her role will focus on encouraging, mentoring, and representing women in pastoral ministry.
Michał Belina-Czechowski Square inaugurated in Krakow.
Movies draw the attention of a world accustomed to this medium, leader says.
Adventist event included fun activities, health advice, singing, and vegetarian dishes.
Innovative projects and mission funds support Adventist growth in Vietnam.
Prolific Adventist editor and author was ‘a stalwart defender of God’s truth,’ leaders say.
Facility will assist regional government efforts to include volunteers in health projects.
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