The Lord utilizes young people to carry out that which is bold

Young people often do not know what they do not know. Thus when God calls them to do something, they say yes. This is why the Lord utilizes young people to carry out that which is audacious. He utilized young adults in the early church, during the Reformation, through various church movements, in the international missionary organizations, and at the beginning of the Advent movement.
It was in 1848 when the Lord instructed Ellen and James White, with a group of young adults in their late teens and early 20s from the northeastern United States, to start a publication that would go throughout the world. How would they accomplish this? How would it get around the world? Where would the finances come from? Rather than being weighed down with anxiety, they set forth in fearless faith in launching what you’ll read about in this issue: the “streams of light” “clear round the world.”
The imagery of “streams” denotes linear bodies of water in constant motion with dynamicity. They provide cleansing to that which is polluted, moisture to places rocky and uninhabited, and precious life to the desert. Streams are found emanating from the City of God (Ps. 46:4), but also out of the rock in the wilderness (Ps. 78:16, 20). Streams also point to living, or moving, water. Not stagnant or stale, these flowing watercourses point to vitality, movement, and energy.
“Streams” are combined with the imagery of “light.” Whereas fire causes heat with the possibility of pain, light shines forth in its innocence. It debuts in Scripture with the ability to divide and separate darkness. Each morning, light ends the blackness of night while commencing the newness of each day. It accompanied the children of Israel through the wilderness and continues to accompany us in Scripture (Ps. 119:105) until we get to our Canaan. And just like streams, “light” points to a certain dynamism that grows in volume and intensity (Prov. 4:18).
These fluid lines of radiance were to go around the world. How a daring group of youth thought they could reach the whole world is a testament to their faith. After 175 years of the Adventist Review ministry, including the birth of Adventist World, we can look back and see that it was God who inspired, God who directed, and God who empowered. And we know God will continue to see these “streams of light” continue to reverberate. As we navigate these streams, pray with us that this ministry will continue to uphold the Water of Life and the Light of the World to the whole world.