And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13, NIV

I travel a lot, and this is my experience on a United Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Dallas.
The plane arrived 30 minutes late from San Francisco, California. The crew in Los Angeles hurried to prepare the plane for the next trip, to Dallas, Texas. When it was time to board, I walked onto the jetway. Right before the door to enter the plane, an elderly woman sat in a wheelchair waiting to get on. I was first in line after her, and a long line grew quickly behind us.
Suddenly the captain of the airplane stepped out from the plane door. He held out his arms and helped the woman out of the wheelchair.
The woman slowly stood up on unsteady feet, holding a cane in one hand. The captain picked up her bag and sweater and helped her walk onto the plane. Once inside, he asked me to wait while he made sure the woman was seated comfortably. All this time the line continued to grow behind me, with people anxious to get to their seat on the plane.
I was so surprised by the pilot’s unexpected kindness. I wanted people to know how much the pilot carefully cared for an older passenger, even though the plane was late. As soon as I sat in my seat, I posted a message on Twitter: “I’m impressed: @United captain helps frail old woman onto LAX-DFW flight. #Heroesinlife.”
Even though the takeoff was delayed, the plane landed in Dallas two hours and 20 minutes later—11 minutes ahead of schedule!
I was determined to learn the name of this kind captain. At the plane’s exit door I asked the flight attendant. She smiled and motioned to the open cockpit door. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” she said.
Captain Tuong Nguyen looked surprised at my question. I thanked him for his kindness to the elderly woman. I reached out my hand in appreciation, and the kind pilot smiled as he shook my hand, the same hand he used to assist the woman. I could tell that he considered his good deed to be part of his job. I even took his picture!
Is taking time to show kindness to a person important? The Bible says: “And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good” (2 Thess. 3:13, NIV). Kindness is important, even when we are running behind schedule. Kindness can have its own reward. Even though our flight was running late, the pilot took the time to assist the passenger, and we still landed early.
My prayer is: “Help me, Lord, to never grow tired of doing good.” I hope that is your prayer too.