When trouble shows up, we show up for each other,’ CEO Terry Shaw said.

As Hurricane Ian blazed a path through Florida, United States, thousands of AdventHealth team members reported to work to ensure hospitals across the state could stay open for those who needed care.
The majority of AdventHealth’s facilities in West and Central Florida sustained only minor damages, with team members taking action to successfully switch to generator power when needed, mitigate minor flooding issues, and transfer patients to ensure their safety and comfort.
“When trouble shows up, we show up for each other,” AdventHealth CEO Terry Shaw said. “I’m in awe of how our team members and communities have shown up for each other in so many ways.”
While riding out the storm, team members found ways to create special moments to lift spirits, calm nerves, maintain safety, and continue providing quality care.
Here are some of their stories.
West Florida
At AdventHealth Heart of Florida, team members received freshly baked cookies that were distributed on a “hurricane survival cart” to bring cheer as wind and rain battered the area.
At AdventHealth Fish Memorial, the hospital’s maternity care team helped a first-time mother who arrived in the middle of the storm deliver her baby boy.
At AdventHealth Orlando, the teams delivered babies and performed multiple surgeries, including a transplant and other cardiac procedures.
At AdventHealth for Children, the team helped transport twins from Fort Myers, Florida, as residents evacuated areas that would eventually be devastated by the storm. There was even a pregnant labor and delivery nurse who gave birth at the hospital during the hurricane.
Each hospital also had maintenance, facilities, and environmental services teams working around the clock to keep the buildings safe and clean for all.
Leaders at AdventHealth hospitals across the state helped coordinate facility operations through command centers that gathered cross-functional teams of experts to ensure safety and continuity of care.
Supporting Impacted Team Members in Florida
While the majority of AdventHealth facilities weathered the storm without major damages, many team members in Florida are experiencing devastating loss. Some have experienced a complete loss of their homes, vehicles, and belongings due to flooding and wind damage.
As a company, AdventHealth will be making a donation to support team members in need, leaders said. Anyone can also contribute to support immediate needs—food, gasoline, and clothing—as well as long-term needs, such as helping those without shelter or a vehicle, they said.
The original version of this story was posted by AdventHealth.