
“Worship God. . . . The time has come for God to judge all people” (Revelation 14:7, ICB).
Three angry men suddenly burst into the place where Carl’s father, an Adventist pastor, was telling others about Jesus. “You have 10 minutes to get out of here!” one of the men shouted. Between them, the men had a gun, a knife, and a long iron bar.
“We’ll be back to fight in 10 minutes!” one man shouted. With that, the three troublemakers turned and left.
What will Father do? Carl wondered. Will he stop talking and tell everyone to leave? But instead, Father kept preaching!
About 10 minutes later the three men returned. Carl looked at their faces. They’re really angry now! he thought.
But when Carl turned to look at his father, he noticed something happening. Father looked straight into the men’s eyes. As he did so, the men began to shake, and then backed away and left!
A few weeks later Father was holding a baptism in a nearby river. The man who’d held the long iron bar showed up! He came over to Father. “Pastor,” he said, “I want to be baptized too. But I’m not ready yet, because I have been a very wicked man.”
Can a man like that really change and serve Jesus? Carl wondered. But to his amazement, a few weeks later Father led the man into the river.
Carl was very proud of his father. And he was amazed at what can happen when a person chooses to turn from evil and follow Jesus!*
■ What sin might there be in your life that you’d like to turn away from?
■ What are some things that might be causing you to take your eyes off Jesus? How can you change this?
Ask God to help you turn away from wrong thoughts and actions. Thank Him for His power to change and for His loving forgiveness.
* Adapted from Barbara Westphal, “DeadlyThreats,” Guide, December 15, 2001.