Initiative was an opportunity to connect with the community, leaders said.

The Woodland Hills Seventh-day Adventist Company in Runnels, Iowa, United States, recently held a free car clinic for women. The two-day clinic taught basic car terms, how to change a tire, when to see a mechanic, how to choose a good used car, and more. Attendees were given a workbook to fill out and participated in hands-on activities.
The clinic was led by Woodland Hills member Dick Bascom. According to the promotional flyer about the event, Bascom began working on cars as a teenager and in 1975 opened his own business fixing cars.
The idea to hold a clinic developed after Woodland Hills members saw many women, particularly single women, widows, and divorcees, struggling with car issues. Bascom said the goal of the clinic was to help women and develop relationships with community members.
Roxann Vietz, a Woodland Hills member and car clinic attendee, said she found the clinic very helpful.
“The clinic was very organized,” Vietz said. “[Bascom] gave us information in such a way that it was really easy for us to understand, even though a lot of us probably aren’t mechanical.”
Vietz was excited about the car clinic and invited her neighbor to attend. While Vietz said she is comfortable inviting community members to church, she believes clinics like these may be less intimidating to community members than attending a church service.
“If [an invitee] comes to an event like this, and fellowships with people, then in the future I would think that would lend to them coming to other events that we would have also,” Vietz said.
Both days of the clinic ended with a time for mingling. Women were invited to enjoy light refreshments and chat with each other before leaving. Vietz said this gave an opportunity to personally connect with community members who attended the event.
Bascom said Woodland Hills always tries to provide opportunities for mingling after events. He said he believes it is an important aspect of the clinic.
“The people at Woodland Hills are interested in becoming acquainted with people that are not members of our church and trying to meet the needs that they have and help introduce them to Jesus,” Bascom said.
The original version of this story was posted on Mid-America Union Conference Outlook.