Grace always knocks at shut doors, closed hearts, and frozen lives.

Those who fear the coming triumph of grace sadly don’t know the love of which they are afraid.
They want a “gospel” that is really not “good news”—for its litany of “should,” “ought,” and “must” betrays that they don’t understand Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith. They replace the long obedience of grateful love with hours of clenched teeth and self-flagellation, hoping He will notice and approve. They forget that “by His stripes we are healed.”
But I’m a witness that a day will come when each will meet the Love that will not let them go. Grace always knocks at shut doors, closed hearts, and frozen lives, awaiting that glad moment when we admit our helplessness and need.
If you know grace, then you’ve been warmed.
So stay in grace.